Global demon: Plastic

4 min readJun 13, 2020


Last 20 years the world has offered more comforts and sophistication than any other generation had in the entire history of humanity.

But wait a minute, are we a more sensible and eco-friendly generation? it is due to these comforts we have lost connection with mother earth and stared to use the materials lavishly without any second thought on its effect on nature, which indeed had sowed seeds for the destruction of the planet.

yes, an overwhelming man-made disaster is picking up a random pace that will unveil itself before us in the coming years in a significant way.

And that disaster is P. L. A. S. T. I. C. — the global demon. This demon is growing in its size like never before with its body all over the planet.

Problem with plastic: Usable thick plastics like chairs, utensils are not advisable but still ok if we use them in a reusable, recyclable manner. But the main problem is with single-use plastics i.e plastic straws, plastic bottles, plastic covers, milk packets of plastic, etc,. it is these that are causing enormous damage to the animal life and marine life and more than anything to mother earth. Much more damage is due to mindset or ignorance of people on the harm effects of plastic. Even more, is the silence of knowledgable ones, governments on the plastic use.

Why and how plastic is harmful??

Plastics are non-biodegradable i.e once manufactured it doesn’t get decomposed into the soil, unlike other organic products. Due to this once they are manufactured and discarded they stay like that for 1000s of years.

On an ecological level, many aquatic creatures die or ingest these plastics into their body sensing it as food and later die due to suffocation. Terrestrial creatures like monkeys, elephants, snakes, birds, and many others suffer due to this plastic. I have seen one cow eating an empty plastic milk packet wrapper sensing it as food, once it enters its body it stays in its stomach till its death.

bird filled up with plastic pieces

so it's up to you now as a sensible and responsible human being would you leave this planet in a better way than it was before or dump it with plastics carelessly.


Things we can do to save the planet:

  1. Raise awareness in people regarding this global demon — the plastic.

2. Refuse plastic (Best thing you can do),

Reduce plastic (Live life with as minimal plastic as possible),

Reuse plastic (Don't buy new products use existing ones, or use shared ones),

Recycle plastic(to manufacturing companies switch if possible to other eco-friendly alternatives, if not at least collect your manufactured plastics).

3. Say no to single-use plastic be very very strict on this. like straws, packaged water bottles, food containers packs, etc.

4. Use always a cloth bag when shopping for groceries, never forget this, and don't ask for a new plastic bag.

5. Carry glass or reusable containers to grocery stores and use them to fill them with required food products instead of buying a new one with a plastic container.

6. Maintain your own bottle, never ever buy packaged mineral water bottles. Refill your own bottle. Make it a habit to carry a bottle everywhere.

7. For disposing of daily organic food waste don't use the plastic cover again, if you have some open space and land bury the organic waste into soil, it will decompose and works as good manure.

8. Be active in spreading awareness because the land on which we live is as pure till before 30–40 years, we should not spoil it or sacrifice the mother earth for our silly comforts.

9. Innovate, encourage eco-friendly alternatives for plastic.

10. Participate in plastic clean up programs.

It is mother earth who gives us oxygen, trees, water, food, and shelter and sustains and nourishes not just us but millions of other species also. Let us save our ecology, other species around us, mother nature from this global demon of plastic.

Leave no plastic footprint at all behind, else the coming years we will surely face these ill effects of microplastics, etc, which will enter the food chain and finally enter into us. It would be much more pandemic than coronavirus, with COVID you can at least maintain distancing. but once microplastics enter food how can you stop that, how can you live without eating food. and then no point in looking for water once the hands are burnt. Act now, dear friend!! lets together fight this demon, that is the only strategy we have to fight this demon. Every single person needs to act only then this demon would be killed else we are at risk.

It is our minimum responsibility to save, protect our mother earth as her children. let's make it possible to fight this global demon of plastic and let mother earth reign high again in her abundance and nurturing life on this planet.


  1. contains lots of alternatives to plastic.
  2. — on plastic
  3. — hows cows are effected due to plastics.





Trying to spread create eco friendly posts and making an effort in protecting mother earth.