International Forests Day

2 min readMar 21, 2021


Forests should be left to nature or Mother Earth, it needs no maintenance because its a complex ecosystem above and below soil. Forests are pure, pristine and exudes its calm and beautiful presence. Forests have thrived for millions of years its a living body by itself. Lets apprecitiate the womb like warmth it has, many animal species, many more birds , much more tree species and much more micro organisms live on her lap, and she nurtures and offers great rivers to humanity. All civilizations of the past thrived along the rivers, the

health of forest ∝ health of animal and plant life

health of forest ∝ health of rivers

health of river directly relates to lives of people living on it.

So, in the end forests are directly connected with the lives of all animals including the social animal(homo sapiens). Its extremely important forests are not deforested, exploited for forest produce, exploiting animals etc,. when we do such acts it’s like cutting our own lungs until smog levels rise we dont realize what we have done.

Ok this is all theory its good to feel empathy for forests but what can we do as an individual ?

well, forest is a combination of large diverse trees and animals. If every one of us nurture the seed of devotion towards forest we have done it.

  • Whenever visits are made to forests let’s not pollute the area with plastics or any non biodegrable products.
  • Embrace the whole forest mentally , like a mother she nourishes many species within it and us.
  • whenever any anti forest activity happens raise your voice/support in whichever way possible.

Human population is increasing at a high pace, larger human population implies large areas of land for dwelling, and much larger resources are needed, but we have only one planet. Let every couple or family consciously choose to have 1 or 2 children. Let the children be raised in the embrace of their mother and the bigger Mother Earth, may they treat her in reverence. It is actually mother earth who sustains every life on this planet. Every thing that is on our plate comes directly from earth or animals, lets treat mother earth with utmost reverence and devotion as she directly sustains our lives.

May every action/invention be consciously done if it positively impacts mother earth. All governments must have ecology as highest priority rather than economy.

support any afforestation activities. Start using Ecosia just by searching the internet through normal browsing it will help planting trees. ( Ecosia uses the ad revenue from your searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. By searching with Ecosia, you’re not only reforesting our planet)

Nature Documentary — Healing Forests of India

Soak in nature

Happy International Forests day !! 🌳🌴🌱☘️🍃🥀🌼🌻




Trying to spread create eco friendly posts and making an effort in protecting mother earth.